What is Cash Value in Life Insurance?

Cash value is a unique feature found in specific types of permanent life insurance policies. Unlike term life insurance, which only provides a death benefit, permanent policies accumulate a cash value over time. The money you put in grows and you can take some out later if you need it. You can either take it out or borrow it.

Table of Content

A visual representation of cash value life insurance, showing the death benefit and cash value growth over time.

Key Takeaway

Cash value life insurance offers a unique combination of life insurance coverage and investment potential, making it a valuable tool for long-term financial planning.

How Cash Value Works

It's important to know how cash value works when you're choosing a life insurance plan. That way, you can make the best decisions for yourself. Here’s a breakdown:

Premium Breakdown

When you pay your life insurance premium, it's divided into two parts. One part goes towards the death benefit, ensuring your beneficiaries receive a payout when you die. Some of the money goes into your cash value account. This account grows over time, adding an extra layer of financial security.


Cash value accumulation can occur in several ways:

  • Guaranteed Interest:

Your insurance company will make sure that your money grows at least a little bit every year.

If you have a participating policy, you may get extra money called dividends from the insurance company.

  • Market-Linked Growth:

In some insurance policies, the amount of money you have in your account depends on how well the market is doing.. This can offer higher returns but comes with increased risks.

  • Tax-Deferred Growth:

One good thing about this is that the money you save will grow bigger without taxes until you take some out. This will help your savings get even bigger!

Types of Insurance Policies with Cash Value

Several types of life insurance policies come with a cash value component. Each type has its unique features and benefits.

Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance is one of the most straightforward types of cash value policies. It offers level premiums and guaranteed cash value growth, making it a predictable and stable option.

  • Level Premiums:

You pay the same premium throughout the life of the policy.

  • Guaranteed Growth:

The cash value grows at a predetermined rate, providing financial stability.

Universal Life Insurance

Universal life insurance lets you change how much you pay and how much your family will get if something happens to you. This can help if your money changes.

  • Flexible Premiums:

You can increase or decrease your premium payments based on your needs.

  • Adjustable Growth:

The cash value can grow based on a variable interest rate, offering potential for higher returns.

Variable Life Insurance

If you're comfortable with investment risks, variable life insurance could be an attractive option. You can put the money into different groups, like clubs, which can help you make more money.

  • Investment Options:

Choose from various sub accounts that invest in stocks, bonds, or other assets.

  • Higher Returns:

While there's potential for greater returns, there's also a risk of losing value.

Indexed Universal Life Insurance

Indexed universal life insurance links your cash value to market indexes like the S&P 500. This offers growth potential with some protections.

  • Market-Linked Growth:

Cash value grows based on market index performance.

  • Built-In Safeguards:

Some policies have caps and floors to limit losses and gains, offering a balanced approach.

Benefits of Cash Value

Cash value offers many benefits, making it a versatile financial tool.

Supplemental Retirement Income

One of the standout benefits is the ability to use cash value as supplemental retirement income. When you retire, you can use your money by taking some out or borrowing it. This will help you have enough money to live a happy life.

Flexible Access:

Withdraw or borrow against your cash value to supplement your retirement savings.

  • Tax-Free Withdrawals:

Up to the amount of premiums paid (basis), withdrawals are generally tax-free.

Tax Advantages

Another significant benefit is the tax advantages that come with cash value life insurance policies.

  • Tax-Deferred Growth:

The money you put in will grow without having to pay taxes. This helps it grow even more.

  • Tax-Free Loans:

Policy loans are generally not considered taxable income, providing a tax-efficient way to access funds.

Living Benefits

You can use the money you have for different things while you are alive. This helps you have more choices with your finances.

  • Paying Premiums:

Use your cash value to cover future premiums, reducing your out-of-pocket expenses.

  • Emergency Fund:

Access cash value in emergencies without the need to apply for a traditional loan.

  • Funding Education:

Use the cash value to pay for educational expenses, providing a financial safety net for your family.

Considerations and Drawbacks

While cash value policies offer many benefits, there are some considerations and drawbacks to keep in mind.

Higher Premiums

Policies with cash value have higher premiums compared to term life insurance. This can be a significant financial commitment.

  • Cost Analysis:

Compare the higher premiums with the benefits to determine if a cash value policy is right for you.

  • Budgeting:

Ensure that the higher premiums fit within your long-term financial plans.

Potential Surrender Charges

If you decide to end your policy early, you may face surrender charges. These fees can be big and you should think about them before deciding what to do.

  • Understand Fees:

Be aware of the surrender charges associated with your policy.

  • Long-Term Commitment:

Cash value policies are best suited for those who can commit long-term.


Cash value policies are more complex than term life insurance, making them harder to understand.

  • Policy Features:

Understand the various features and benefits before purchasing.

  • Professional Advice:

Consult with a financial advisor to ensure you make an informed decision.

How to Access Cash Value

There are several ways to access the cash value in your life insurance policy. Each method has its pros and cons.

Policy Loans

These loans let you borrow money from the cash value of your property. They usually have good rules for paying them back.

  • Easy Access:

Policy loans are usually easy to get and do not need credit checks.

  • Low Interest Rates:

The interest rates on policy loans are generally lower than those of traditional loans.

  • Repayment Flexibility:

You can repay the loan on your terms, but unpaid loans may reduce the death benefit.


You can start to be safe with your money and feel calm by learning about cash value life insurance. It will help you and your family.

  • Tax Implications:

Withdrawals exceeding the amount of premiums paid may be subject to taxes.

  • Reduced Benefits:

Withdrawals can reduce the death benefit available to your beneficiaries.

  • Strategic Planning:

When you take your money out, think about how it will affect taxes. Keep enough to get death benefits.

Policy Surrender

Surrendering the policy is a way to access the full cash value but comes with significant consequences.

  • Full Cash Value:

Receive the cash value minus any surrender charges and outstanding loans.

  • Loss of Coverage:

Surrendering your policy means losing the death benefit.

  • Consider Alternatives:

Explore other options before deciding to surrender your policy.


Cash value life insurance offers a unique blend of financial protection and wealth accumulation potential. Understanding the various types of policies, their benefits and drawbacks, and how cash value can be utilized is key to making informed decisions. Whether you're seeking supplemental retirement income, tax advantages, or a financial safety net, cash value life insurance may be a valuable tool in your financial toolkit.

For more insight into how this concept interacts with others, see our detailed guide on life insurance riders, which further explores additional benefits and customizations you can add to your policy.

Remember, everyone's financial situation is unique. Consult a financial advisor to determine if cash value life insurance aligns with your goals and to explore the options that best suit your needs. Take the first step towards financial security and peace of mind by learning more about how cash value life insurance can benefit you and your loved ones.

Cash Value FAQ

What is cash value in life insurance?

Cash value is the savings component within a permanent life insurance policy. It grows over time, tax-deferred, and can be accessed through loans or withdrawals.

How does cash value life insurance work?

A portion of your premium payments goes towards the death benefit, while the rest is invested to accumulate cash value. This value grows based on the policy's interest rate and investment performance.

What are the benefits of cash value life insurance?

Cash value life insurance offers lifelong coverage, potential tax advantages, and the ability to build cash value that can be used for various financial goals.

What are the different types of cash value life insurance?

Common types include whole life, universal life, and variable universal life, each with varying levels of flexibility and investment options.